

Txstats: A guide to understanding Bitcoin analytics

Txstats makes the complex world of Bitcoin transactions more accessible by providing clear and detailed insights into how the network is being used. The tool is designed to help you monitor, analyse, and optimise your transactions and data streams effectively with its robust features, real-time monitoring, and strong security measures.

Whether you’re sending Bitcoin, analysing the market, or developing new technologies, Txstats offers valuable information to help you make informed decisions.

This guide aims to give you a detailed yet easy-to-understand introduction to Txstats, covering its background, product overview, key features, and security functions. 

By following this guide, you should now have a good understanding of what Txstats is, what it offers, and how to get started. As you explore the platform further, you’ll discover even more ways to leverage your data for better decision-making and improved business outcomes. Let’s dive in!


Launched on June 1, 2023, Txstats.com is a powerful successor to P2SH.info, expanding its scope to provide comprehensive and detailed insights into the Bitcoin network. With its user-friendly design and in-depth analytics, Txstats.com is an invaluable resource for users, investors, analysts, and developers alike, helping them navigate and understand the complexities of Bitcoin transactions with ease.

The developers focused on creating a user-friendly interface coupled with robust features that could handle complex data streams and provide valuable insights.

Since its inception, Txstats has grown rapidly, earning a reputation for its reliability, versatility, and security. It is now used by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, across various industries including finance, retail, healthcare, and more.

Tool overview

At its core, Txstats is a Bitcoin transaction analytics platform that allows users to track, analyse, and visualise data related to Bitcoin transactions. This can include financial transactions, user interactions, data transfers, and other types of exchanges that generate data points. The platform is designed to be intuitive and accessible, making it easy for users to get started and derive value quickly.

Txstats takes all this raw transaction data from the Bitcoin blockchain and transforms it into easy-to-understand statistics and charts. Here’s a closer look at the type of information Txstats provides:

  • Transaction Volume: This shows the total number of transactions happening on the Bitcoin network over a specific period. It helps users understand how active the network is.
  • Fee Insights: Txstats breaks down how much users are paying in transaction fees. This is important because fees can fluctuate based on network demand. High fees might indicate a lot of activity, while low fees could mean the network is less busy.
  • Confirmation Times: This metric shows how long it takes for transactions to be confirmed. Longer times could suggest network congestion, while shorter times indicate smoother operations.
  • Block Information: Txstats provides details about the blocks being added to the blockchain, such as their size, the number of transactions they contain, and the time it took to mine them.

The Txstats block explorer provides a series of dashboards centred around a specific element of Bitcoin transactions such as multi-signature usage data, SegWit transaction statistics, the Lightning Network channel data, fee estimation, and others.

Here are the main components of Txstats:

  1. Dashboard: The dashboard is your command centre within Txstats. It provides a high-level overview of your transaction data, showcasing key metrics and trends through interactive charts and graphs. The dashboard can be customised to display the most relevant information for your needs.
  2. Analytics Tools: These tools allow you to dig deeper into your data, offering various methods to analyse and interpret transaction patterns. You can run queries, set up alerts, and generate detailed reports.
  3. Visualisation: Txstats offers a wide range of visualisation options to help you understand your data better. From bar charts and line graphs to heat maps and pie charts, you can choose the format that best represents your data.
  4. Integration: Txstats can integrate with a variety of other software and platforms, including CRMs, payment processors, and data warehouses. This ensures that you can bring all your data into one place for comprehensive analysis.
  5. User Management: The platform supports multiple users with different levels of access, making it suitable for teams. Admins can control who has access to which data and what actions they can perform.

Key features

Txstats is packed with features designed to help you get the most out of your transaction data. Here are some of the standout functionalities:

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: With Txstats, you can monitor your transactions as they happen. Real-time analytics enable you to identify and respond to issues immediately, ensuring that you can maintain high levels of performance and customer satisfaction.
  2. Customizable Alerts: Set up alerts for specific events or thresholds. For example, you can receive notifications if transaction volumes spike unexpectedly or if there is an unusual pattern in data flow. This proactive approach helps in quickly addressing potential problems.
  3. Advanced Querying: The platform supports complex queries that allow you to filter and analyse your data in detail. Whether you need to track specific transaction types, user behaviours, or financial metrics, Txstats makes it easy to retrieve the information you need.
  4. Detailed Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports that provide in-depth insights into your transactions. These reports can be scheduled and automatically sent to key stakeholders, ensuring that everyone stays informed.
  5. Anomaly Detection: Txstats employs sophisticated algorithms to detect anomalies in your data. This feature helps you identify unusual patterns that could indicate fraud, system errors, or other issues that require attention.
  6. Scalability: Whether you’re dealing with hundreds or millions of transactions, Txstats can scale to meet your needs. The platform is built to handle large volumes of data without compromising on performance.

Security features

Security is a top priority for Txstats. Given the sensitive nature of transaction data, the platform includes several robust security measures to protect your information.

  1. Data Encryption: All data transmitted between your systems and Txstats is encrypted using industry-standard protocols. This ensures that your data is secure during transfer and cannot be intercepted by unauthorised parties.
  2. Access Control: Txstats provides granular access control, allowing administrators to define who can access what data and what actions they can perform. This minimises the risk of unauthorised access and ensures that only the right people have the right permissions.
  3. Regular Audits: The platform undergoes regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helps to maintain a high standard of security and ensures that any issues are resolved promptly.
  4. Compliance: Txstats complies with various industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR for data protection and PCI DSS for payment processing. This compliance ensures that your data is handled in accordance with best practices and legal requirements.
  5. Backup and Recovery: Data is regularly backed up and stored securely, ensuring that you can recover your information in the event of a system failure or other disaster. This provides peace of mind that your data is safe and can be restored when needed.
  6. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): To enhance security, Txstats supports multi-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to access their accounts.

Getting started with Txstats

  1. Sign Up: Visit the Txstats website and sign up for an account. You may choose a plan that suits your needs, ranging from basic to enterprise levels.
  2. Set Up Your Dashboard: Once you’re logged in, you can customise your dashboard. Add the widgets and metrics that matter most to you for a personalised view of your data.
  3. Integrate Your Data Sources: Connect Txstats with your existing systems and data sources. This could include your CRM, payment gateway, or any other platforms you use.
  4. Explore the Features: Take some time to explore the various features available in Txstats. Run some initial queries, set up alerts, and generate a few reports to get a feel for the platform.
  5. Invite Your Team: If you’re working with a team, invite your colleagues to join you on Txstats. Set up their access levels and ensure that everyone knows how to use the platform effectively.
  6. Monitor and Optimise: Start monitoring your transactions in real-time and use the insights you gain to optimise your operations. Set up regular reports and alerts to stay on top of your data.


It's a data dashboard for Bitcoin, but digging deeper into network technicalities, giving insight into deeper usage of Bitcoin.