

A Guide To Your First Steps With Fire

Imagine the digital world as a big, bustling city. Just like you lock your doors at night to keep your home safe, you need to protect your digital home too. Fire is like a super advanced security system for the digital world, especially for things called cryptocurrencies and decentralised applications (dApps). It watches over your transactions, protects you from scams, and keeps your digital money safe. It helps keep your online activities safe from bad actors who might want to steal your digital money or personal information.

Fire is already being used by over 30,000 people who trust it to protect their digital wallets. This means a lot of folks rely on Fire to keep their online money safe.

What does Fire do?

Fire acts like a digital bodyguard. It watches over your online transactions and interactions with dApps, ensuring everything is safe and secure. Think of it as having a trusted friend who constantly checks for suspicious activities and warns you about potential dangers before you even notice them.

How does it work?

Fire uses smart technology to monitor and analyse everything you do in the Web3 world (which is a fancy term for the new internet built around blockchain and cryptocurrencies). Here’s how it works:

  1. Monitoring Transactions: Whenever you’re about to make a transaction, Fire checks it to make sure it’s legitimate and not part of a scam.
  2. Analysing Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are like digital agreements written in code. Fire examines these contracts to ensure they are safe to interact with and don’t have hidden traps.
  3. Blocking Phishing Sites: Phishing sites are fake websites that try to steal your information. Fire identifies and blocks these sites, so you don’t accidentally fall into their traps.
  4. Providing Alerts: Fire sends you alerts if it detects any suspicious activity or potential threats. It’s like having a smoke alarm that warns you of danger before it becomes a big problem.

What sets Fire apart?

Fire has some unique features that set it apart from other security tools. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  1. Transaction Simulation: Imagine if you could see what happens when you pay for something before you actually hand over your money. Fire does just that for your digital transactions. It shows you what will come in and go out of your crypto wallet before you agree to anything. This way, you know exactly what to expect, including any fees or risks involved.
  2. Educational Insights: Fire doesn’t just protect you; it also helps you learn. It takes complex Web3 transactions and breaks them down into easy-to-understand information. You can see what’s happening with your money and understand the whole process. It even points out important details and alerts you to any potential security issues.
  3. Advanced Algorithms: Fire uses smart technology that learns and adapts to new threats. It’s always improving, making it more effective than many other tools.
  4. Detailed Smart Contract Analysis: Fire doesn’t just check the surface; it goes deep into the code to find any hidden dangers. This thorough approach makes it very reliable.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: Fire is designed to be easy to use, even for beginners. It guides you through everything, making sure you understand each step.
  6. Community-Driven: By allowing users to report threats, Fire stays up-to-date with the latest scams and dangers. This collective vigilance helps protect everyone.
  7. Educational Resources: Fire provides resources to help you learn about Web3 security. It empowers you with knowledge so you can protect yourself.

Key features

  1. Real-Time Threat Detection: Fire constantly watches for suspicious activities and alerts you immediately if something looks fishy. It’s always on guard, so you don’t have to worry.
  2. Transaction Monitoring: Before you confirm any transaction, Fire checks it for red flags. This helps you avoid scams and fraudulent activities.
  3. Smart Contract Analysis: Fire looks at the code behind smart contracts to make sure they are safe. This means you can trust the agreements you enter into online.
  4. Phishing Protection: Fire actively blocks malicious websites that try to steal your information. It keeps you safe from common online scams.
  5. Secure Wallet Integration: Fire works with popular digital wallets to add an extra layer of security to your digital money. It ensures your funds are protected.
  6. User Education: Fire offers easy-to-understand guides and alerts to help you stay informed about the latest online threats and how to avoid them.
  7. Community Reporting: Users can report suspicious activities, contributing to a shared database of threats. This collective effort helps keep everyone safer.

Who would benefit from using Fire

  • New Crypto Users: If you’re just starting with cryptocurrencies, Fire will help you understand the risks and protect your digital money.
  • Regular dApp Users: If you often use decentralised applications, Fire ensures your transactions are secure and keeps you safe from fraud.
  • Developers: If you’re building dApps, Fire can check your smart contracts for vulnerabilities, ensuring your applications are safe.
  • Investors: If you’re investing in cryptocurrencies, Fire’s threat detection and transaction monitoring protect your investments from scams.
  • Security Enthusiasts: If you’re passionate about online security, Fire’s comprehensive tools and features will keep you ahead of emerging threats.

But more importantly, why you should at least try it out...

  • Safe Transactions: Fire makes sure your digital money is handled safely. You can see the details of a transaction before you agree to it, just like checking a receipt before paying.
  • Easy to Understand: Fire explains complex digital transactions in simple terms. It’s like having a friendly guide to help you understand what’s going on.
  • Peace of Mind: With Fire watching over your online activities, you can feel confident that your digital wallet is safe from scams and fraud.

Signing up step-by-step

The growing popularity of web3 is attracting lots of people including scammers. Luckily, there are reliable web3 security solutions like Fire helping you stay safe. Here’s a step-by-step to setting yours up.

Remember, Fire is here to help you understand and protect your digital money, making it easier to navigate the world of cryptocurrencies safely. If you ever have any questions, Fire’s support team is there to help you out.

Step 1: Open Your Chrome Browser

First, you need to open your Chrome browser. 

Step 2: Go to the Chrome Web Store

Once you have Chrome open, type “Chrome Web Store” into the search bar at the top of the screen and press Enter. Click on the link that says "Chrome Web Store" to go to the website where you can find apps and extensions for your browser.

Step 3: Search for Fire

In the Chrome Web Store, there’s a search bar on the left side of the screen. Click on it and type “Fire Web3 Security” and press Enter. This will help you find the Fire extension.

Step 4: Add Fire to Chrome

You should see the Fire extension in the list of results. Click on the blue button that says “Add to Chrome.” A small box will pop up asking if you want to add Fire. Click on the button that says “Add Extension.”

Step 5: Wait for Fire to Install

After you click “Add Extension,” the Fire extension will start installing. This might take a few seconds. You’ll know it’s done when you see a small Fire icon (which looks like a flame) appear in the top right corner of your browser, next to the address bar.

Step 6: Click on the Fire Icon

Click on the Fire icon that appeared in the top right corner of your browser. This will open the Fire extension.

Step 7: Create Your Account

When you open Fire for the first time, you’ll need to create an account. Look for a button that says “Sign Up” or “Create Account” and click on it.

Step 8: Enter Your Information

You’ll be asked to enter some information to create your account. This usually includes your email address and a password. Make sure to choose a password that you can remember but is hard for others to guess. Write it down somewhere safe if you need to.

Step 9: Verify Your Email

After you enter your information, Fire might send you an email to verify your account. Open your email, find the message from Fire, and click on the link inside to verify your email address. This step is important to make sure your account is secure.

Step 10: Start Using Fire

Once you’ve verified your email, go back to your Chrome browser and click on the Fire icon again. You should now be able to use Fire to help protect your digital activities. Fire will guide you through setting up your security preferences and show you how to monitor your transactions.


Making Web3 simple and secure. Available as a free browser extension that is compatible with multiple crypto wallets.