

Navigating the crypto universe: A beginner's guide to Coinigy

If you're new to this exciting space, you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of coins, exchanges, and tools available. That's where Coinigy comes in. Designed with both beginners and experienced traders in mind, Coinigy is a powerful platform that simplifies cryptocurrency trading and portfolio management. 

Coinigy is intended to eliminate the difficulty of managing cryptocurrency portfolios. Coinigy is an all-in-one platform providing access to many other popular exchanges like Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Coinbase Pro, Huobi Pro, Kucoin, Kraken, and Poloniex.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll take a deep dive into Coinigy, exploring its background, product overview, key features, and security functions, so you can navigate the crypto universe with confidence.


Founded in 2014 by William Kehl and Rob Borden, Coinigy emerged as a response to the growing demand for a comprehensive cryptocurrency trading platform. With a background in finance and a passion for blockchain technology, the founders set out to create a tool that would empower users to trade across multiple exchanges seamlessly. Over the years, Coinigy has evolved into one of the leading platforms in the crypto space, serving thousands of traders worldwide.

In 2023, it announced the launch of an important new feature, the Returns Radar. This innovative tool empowers traders to visualise the monthly and quarterly percentage change for over 4,700 different crypto and fiat currencies available on the platform, giving users access to these three core benefits:

  1. Monthly and Quarterly Analysis: Traders can now track the percentage change of cryptocurrencies on a monthly and quarterly basis. This allows for a more granular view of how digital assets perform over shorter time frames, aiding in the identification of trends and patterns.
  2. Unrivaled Database: Coinigy offers one of the most extensive price action databases in the industry. This comprehensive offering ensures that traders have a wide range of assets to analyse using the Returns Radar.
  3. Enhanced Visualisations: The Returns Radar presents data in an intuitive and user-friendly format, enabling traders to grasp cryptocurrency performance trends and make informed decisions with visual representations.

Product Overview

At its core, Coinigy is a web-based platform and mobile app that consolidates trading accounts from over 47 cryptocurrency exchanges into a single interface. This means you can access multiple exchanges, view real-time market data, execute trades, and manage your portfolio all from one place. Whether you're a day trader, a long-term investor, or just getting started, Coinigy offers a user-friendly experience that caters to your needs.

The significant difference between Coinigy and other mobile applications exchanges offer is that most exchanges only allow you to trade on that exchange with their app. This limits your trading activity if the exchange you prefer doesn't support the cryptocurrency you want to invest in.

Coinigy lets you link accounts from different exchanges so that you can trade cryptocurrency without switching apps. This gives you an edge over traders that use exchange accounts because you can trade across all your exchanges in the Coinigy app.

The trading platform also employs ArbMatrix, an application that displays pairs across multiple crypto exchanges. Due to such an application, crypto traders and investors have more chances to spot arbitrage opportunities.

Coinigy is also available as a mobile app.

Key Features

  • Unified Dashboard:
    Coinigy's unified dashboard is the heart of the platform, providing a comprehensive overview of your trading activities and portfolio performance. Here, you can track the prices of your favourite cryptocurrencies in real-time, view historical price charts, and analyse market trends. The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate between different coins and exchanges, so you can stay informed and make informed decisions.
  • Trading Tools:
    Coinigy offers a suite of powerful trading tools to help you execute trades with precision and efficiency. From advanced charting tools to customisable order types, you'll find everything you need to trade like a pro. Whether you prefer technical analysis or fundamental research, Coinigy has you covered with a range of indicators, drawing tools, and market analysis features.
  • Portfolio Management:
    Managing your cryptocurrency portfolio has never been easier thanks to Coinigy's portfolio management tools. You can track the performance of your investments, monitor your asset allocation, and set price alerts to stay ahead of market movements. With support for over 6,000 cryptocurrencies, you can keep all your holdings organised and accessible in one place.
  • Market Data Aggregation:
    Coinigy aggregates market data from multiple exchanges, allowing you to access real-time prices, order books, and trade volumes from a single source. This not only saves you time but also helps you get the best possible price when executing trades. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or exchange cryptocurrencies, Coinigy ensures that you have access to the most up-to-date information available.
  • Free trials:
    Accounts are initially offered on a free trial basis for seven days and provide access to the account portfolio, charts, and technical indicators. After the free trial has ended, retaining access requires selecting a subscription plan and a support plan (and the payment of a fee). The professional version does not restrict session lengths.

Security Functions

As a cryptocurrency trading platform, security is paramount at Coinigy. The platform employs industry-leading security measures to safeguard your assets and personal information. Here are some of the key security functions offered by Coinigy:

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
Coinigy supports two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security to your account. With 2FA enabled, you'll need to provide a one-time code generated by an authenticator app or sent to your mobile device every time you log in. This helps prevent unauthorised access to your account, even if your password is compromised.

All sensitive data transmitted between your device and Coinigy's servers is encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption protocols. This ensures that your personal information and trading data remain secure at all times, protecting you from hackers and cyberattacks.

Secure Wallet Integration:
Coinigy integrates with several secure wallets, allowing you to store your cryptocurrencies safely offline when not in use. By keeping your assets in cold storage wallets, you can mitigate the risk of theft or hacking and have peace of mind knowing that your funds are protected.

Compliance and Regulation:
Coinigy complies with all relevant regulations and industry standards to ensure the security and integrity of its platform. This includes adhering to anti-money laundering (AML) requirements, as well as implementing robust security protocols to prevent fraud and unauthorised activity.

Signing Up

To take advantage of Coinigy's multi-monitor trading platform, follow these simple steps to sign up for a free account:

Step 1: Visit Coinigy's website at
Step 2: Fill in the necessary details and complete the registration process.

In addition to the free trial, Coinigy has three different subscription plans catering to different traders’ needs, making it a versatile enough platform for both novices and experts to use.

The fee for the professional version of the platform is charged each month, but the amount depends on how long the account holder commits to using the service. Pricing for a one-year agreement is less expensive than month-to-month pricing; subscriptions range from $18.66 to $99.99 a month.

So, whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, Coinigy provides the resources and support you need to succeed in the crypto market. With its intuitive interface, powerful trading tools, and top-notch security functions, Coinigy is the ultimate companion for anyone looking to explore the exciting possibilities of cryptocurrencies.


Coinigy lets you trade on every Bitcoin exchange through one account.