6.0 A guide to better Bitcoin transaction fees was developed to address a critical need in the Bitcoin ecosystem: the optimization of transaction fees. As Bitcoin gained popularity, the number of transactions on the network surged, leading to congestion and variable transaction confirmation times. Users often faced the dilemma of either overpaying for fast confirmations or underpaying and experiencing long delays.

Created by Tone Vays, a former Wall Street trader and a Bitcoin analyst, is a website that provides the Bitcoin fee estimator tool. The primary purpose of is to empower Bitcoin users with the information they need to make informed decisions about transaction fees. By providing real-time data and insights, the platform helps users avoid the pitfalls of overpaying for transactions or suffering long confirmation times.

This tool is used to help users calculate the optimal fee for their Bitcoin transactions according to changing network conditions.

By addressing a critical need in the Bitcoin ecosystem, has contributed to a more efficient and user-friendly Bitcoin network. It continues to evolve, adapting to the changing dynamics of the Bitcoin blockchain and helping users navigate the complexities of transaction fees with confidence.

What is is an online tool designed to help you estimate the optimal fees for your Bitcoin transactions. When you send Bitcoin, you need to include a transaction fee, which incentivizes miners to include your transaction in the blockchain. Setting the right fee ensures that your transaction gets processed promptly without overpaying. simplifies this process by providing real-time fee recommendations based on current network conditions. is an invaluable tool for anyone interacting with the Bitcoin network. By providing real-time fee estimates and a user-friendly interface, it helps you ensure your transactions are confirmed promptly and cost-effectively. Whether you're a first-time Bitcoin user or a seasoned crypto enthusiast, simplifies the complex world of Bitcoin transaction fees, making it easier to use Bitcoin efficiently and economically.

How does it work? uses real-time data from the Bitcoin network to analyse the current state of the blockchain and predict how much you should pay in fees to get your transaction confirmed within a certain timeframe. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

  1. Data Collection: The tool collects data from the Bitcoin mempool (the pool of all unconfirmed transactions) and the latest blocks that have been mined.
  2. Analysis: It analyses this data to understand the current demand for block space and how many transactions are waiting to be confirmed.
  3. Fee Estimation: Based on this analysis, provides fee recommendations for different confirmation time targets (e.g., 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour).
  4. Updates: The tool continuously updates its recommendations to reflect the latest network conditions, ensuring that you always have the most accurate fee estimates.

Key features

  1. Real-Time Fee Estimates: Get up-to-date fee recommendations based on the current state of the Bitcoin network.
  2. Multiple Confirmation Targets: Choose from different confirmation time targets to balance speed and cost according to your needs.
  3. Historical Data: Access historical fee data to understand past trends and make more informed decisions.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and straightforward interface that makes it easy for anyone to use, even if you're new to Bitcoin.
  5. Charts and Visualisations: Visual tools to help you understand fee trends and make better decisions.
  6. API Access: For advanced users and developers, offers API access to integrate fee estimation into your own applications

Use if you're a...

  • First-Time Bitcoin User: If you're new to Bitcoin, understanding transaction fees can be confusing. simplifies this process, helping you avoid overpaying.
  • Frequent Bitcoin Transactor: If you regularly send Bitcoin, ensures you always set the right fee, saving you money over time.
  • Merchant and Business: Businesses that accept Bitcoin payments can use to ensure timely transaction confirmations without incurring excessive fees.
  • Developer: With API access, developers can integrate accurate fee estimation into their own Bitcoin-related applications, improving user experience.
  • Crypto Enthusiast and Trader: Anyone who regularly interacts with the Bitcoin network can benefit from the real-time insights provided by

Tips for using

  • Stay Updated: Network conditions can change rapidly, so always check before sending a transaction, especially during periods of high activity.
  • Plan Ahead: If you don't need an immediate confirmation, you can save money by choosing a longer confirmation time target.
  • Use Historical Data: Understanding past trends can help you predict future network conditions and plan your transactions accordingly.


A simple tool that provides accurate information. The BTC fee estimator supports Segwit, a protocol upgrade that reduces the size of transactions and lowers the fees.