

A guide to navigating DeFi with APY.vision

APY.vision is a powerful tool for anyone involved in DeFi. It simplifies the complex world of liquidity providing and offers valuable insights that can help you maximise your returns. With its user-friendly dashboard, comprehensive analytics, and robust security features, it’s an essential tool for both beginners and experienced DeFi investors.

By providing detailed tracking, yield optimisation, and risk assessment, APY.vision empowers you to make smarter, data-driven decisions. Whether you’re just starting out in DeFi or looking to optimise your existing investments, APY.vision has the tools and features you need to succeed.


APY.vision is a tool designed to help users of decentralised finance (DeFi) platforms manage and optimise their investments. DeFi is a new and growing area in the world of finance that operates on blockchain technology, primarily Ethereum. It allows users to perform financial transactions like lending, borrowing, and trading without the need for traditional banks. However, navigating DeFi can be complex and overwhelming, especially for beginners. This is where APY.vision comes in.

APY.vision was created to provide users with insights and analytics to make informed decisions about their DeFi investments. It was born out of the need for better tools to manage the unique challenges of liquidity providing (LP), where users provide their assets to a pool in exchange for a share of the trading fees. The tool aims to simplify the process and make DeFi more accessible to everyone.

Tool Overview

APY.vision is essentially a dashboard for your DeFi activities. It tracks your liquidity pool investments across different platforms and provides detailed analytics. Here’s a quick rundown of what it offers:

  1. Liquidity Pool Tracking: It monitors your investments in various liquidity pools, showing you how they are performing over time.
  2. Impermanent Loss Calculation: One of the risks of providing liquidity is impermanent loss, which happens when the value of the tokens you’ve invested changes relative to each other. APY.vision helps you understand and calculate this.
  3. Portfolio Overview: It gives you a comprehensive view of your DeFi portfolio, including all the assets you’ve invested in.
  4. Yield Optimisation: The platform offers insights into the best pools and strategies for maximising your returns.
  5. Historical Data: You can access past performance data to make better future decisions.

Key Features

  1. Comprehensive Dashboard: The main dashboard is your command centre. It’s user-friendly and designed to give you a quick overview of your entire DeFi portfolio. You can see your total investments, returns, and performance metrics at a glance.
  2. Impermanent Loss Calculator: This feature is crucial for anyone involved in liquidity providing. It helps you understand how much you might lose due to the price movements of the tokens you’ve invested. The calculator shows real-time and historical data, so you can make informed decisions.
  3. Yield Tracking: APY.vision tracks the yields from your investments. It shows you the annual percentage yield (APY) you’re earning from each liquidity pool. This helps you compare different pools and choose the most profitable ones.
  4. Historical Performance Analysis: With access to historical data, you can analyse how your investments have performed over time. This feature helps you identify trends and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Multi-Chain Support: Initially built for Ethereum, APY.vision has expanded to support multiple blockchains, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, and others. This means you can track and manage your investments across different DeFi ecosystems from a single platform.
  6. Alerts and Notifications: The platform can send you alerts and notifications about important events related to your investments. For example, you can get notified about significant changes in yield rates or potential risks like impermanent loss spikes.

Security Features

Security is a paramount concern in the DeFi space, given the high value of assets involved and the frequent reports of hacks and vulnerabilities. APY.vision has implemented several measures to ensure the safety of your data and investments.

  1. Read-Only Access: One of the primary security features of APY.vision is that it operates on a read-only basis. This means the platform can access information about your investments to provide analytics and insights but cannot move or manage your assets. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorised transactions.
  2. API Integration: APY.vision integrates with various DeFi platforms through secure APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). These APIs ensure that data is transmitted securely and is not vulnerable to interception or tampering.
  3. Encryption: All data transmitted to and from APY.vision is encrypted. This means that even if someone were to intercept the data, they wouldn’t be able to read or use it. Encryption is a standard security measure that protects sensitive information.
  4. Regular Security Audits: The APY.vision team conducts regular security audits of their platform. These audits are performed by third-party security experts who test the system for vulnerabilities and ensure that any potential issues are addressed promptly.
  5. User Authentication: To access your APY.vision account, you need to go through a robust authentication process. This typically includes multi-factor authentication (MFA), which adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to verify your identity through multiple methods (e.g., password and a code sent to your phone).
  6. Data Privacy: APY.vision is committed to protecting your privacy. They follow strict data privacy policies and only collect the information necessary to provide their services. Your personal data is never shared with third parties without your consent.

Getting started with APY.vision

Now that you have a good understanding of what APY.vision is and its key features, here’s a quick guide on how to get started:

  1. Sign Up: Visit the APY.vision website and sign up for an account. You’ll need to provide some basic information and go through the authentication process.
  2. Connect Your Wallet: After creating your account, you’ll need to connect your crypto wallet. APY.vision supports several popular wallets like MetaMask, WalletConnect, and others. Connecting your wallet allows the platform to access your DeFi investments and provide analytics.
  3. Explore the Dashboard: Once your wallet is connected, you can start exploring the dashboard. Take some time to familiarise yourself with the different sections and features. You’ll see your overall portfolio value, individual investments, and performance metrics.
  4. Set Up Alerts: Set up alerts and notifications to stay informed about important changes in your investments. This will help you react quickly to market changes and make better decisions.
  5. Analyse and Optimise: Use the tools and insights provided by APY.vision to analyse your portfolio and optimise your investment strategy. Look at the historical performance data, check the yield rates, and use the impermanent loss calculator to make informed decisions.

Remember, while APY.vision can provide you with valuable insights and tools, the DeFi space is still highly volatile and risky. Always do your own research and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. With APY.vision by your side, you’ll have a better understanding of your investments and the confidence to navigate the world of decentralised finance.


A mix of technology, many integrations and strategic partnerships to help users get around in the DeFi space.