

icon General information

Grafana is a multi-platform open source web application used for analytics, interactive visualisation, and monitoring application performance.

This tool provides charts, graphs and alerts when linked to supported data sources.

Users are allowed to utilise data from a wide range of sources, set alerts for suspicious behaviour and visualise data on dashboards.

1,933 companies reportedly used Grafana in their tech stacks, such as LaunchDarkly, Uber and Robinhood.

App typeData analytics and monitoring dashnoard
Hardware compatibilityMac, Windows, Linux
Mobile appNo
Desktop appYes
August 2023 site screenshot

icon Pros explained

icon Cons explained

Grafana is used as a data analytics solution for combining, visualising, and analysing data from all relevant sources. It encompasses integrated support for over 15 popular databases and monitoring solutions.

The alerting solution is one of Grafana’s important features. The integrated alerting solution is here to warn users of all problems that might occur. Notifications can be sent to several targets such as Slack, webhooks, or email. Additionally, Grafana can use existing alert structures defined by other tools such as Loki, Prometheus, and Alertmanager. 

Moreover, you can host Grafana on-premises using your own hardware or use their managed Grafana Cloud service. In case you’re self-hosting, Grafana can be run on Linux, macOS, and Windows.



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